The ‘Write’ Choice: Convincing My Parents to Support My Writing Career

In a world that’s obsessed with nine-to-five routines and cubicle confinement, the struggles of a creative soul are real. Amidst the age-old conundrum of measuring success through fancy designations, we often tend to forget that the greatest contributions to society have come from the best creative minds.

While people scoff and view writing as nothing more than a frivolous pastime, how do you convince your folks to believe in you, and more importantly, your career choice?

As I go back in time and think of the day I spoke to them, I can practically hear their collective sighs still ringing in my ears. But this year marks my 10th as a writer, and I can confidently say that my parents respect what I do. They may still not completely understand the nitty-gritty of my work but they know that I’m in my happy space, doing what I love. 

However, the journey has been anything but easy. So, if you’re in the same boat as I was, and wish to dabble in the creative field, here are some things to consider.

  • Be 100% sure: The world of writing isn’t always a glamorous one. So, before convincing my parents, I wanted to be convinced that this is what I wished to pursue. I searched and opted to work on small projects, not for the money but just for the experience. Something that could solidify my resolve to take up writing and help me figure out whether writing was my true calling.
  • Step into their shoes: Before everything else, I tried to understand my parents’ apprehensions and where they stemmed from. Sure, they didn’t fully grasp the nuances of what I wanted to do, but their concerns were rooted in a desire to protect me from the world’s uncertainties. Lending an ear to my parents’ fears and concerns was crucial in bridging the gap between their worries and my aspirations.
  • Navigate the maze of inquiries: What about job security? Are you sure it’s not just a phase? How will you manage your finances? The onslaught of questions kept coming. But this is where I was confident about my choice and did not back down. It was my certainty that presided over their scepticism.
  • Patience is the key: Coming from someone who lacks the basic amount of patience, it’s true. After discussing my career choice and going over all their concerns, I chose to sit back, wait, and give my parents the time to mull over. Instead of expecting an answer instantly, I decided to let them be and give them the space to come to terms with our conversation. Because let’s face it, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and I knew that convincing my parents to embrace my career choice wouldn’t happen overnight.


  • Don’t just tell them, show them: I realised one of the reasons for my parent’s apprehension was that they knew nothing about writing. So, I decided to paint a vivid picture for them and show them some of my written pieces. I also took them through the process and how things work in this field. This helped them understand my passion and see the world through my lens, which was eventually replaced by a newfound appreciation for what I wanted to do.

    In the end, it all boiled down to – winning over their concerns with my conviction. But, what also got me through this phase was knowing the fact that my parents have been through the same ups and downs. They’ve weathered the strongest winds and their experience is what can guide me. 

    Once they were convinced that this was what I wanted to do and that I was serious about it, they were by my side – cheering me on and wishing me well. They might have occasionally uttered the infamous ‘I told you so’, but in the end, their support has been what’s kept me going and not giving up.

Know the Author

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