Copylove Diaries

Music and solitude

The Raga Rhetoric: A Musical Journey of A Writer

At the heart of Indian classical music lies a profound connection between the artist and the audience—a connection built on discipline, creativity, and the intricate interplay of various musical elements. Interestingly, as I ventured into the writing world, I began to notice striking parallels between these two seemingly diverse worlds.

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Read before you write

Why you should read before writing

Reading beyond your favourite genre is like going on an epic quest to uncover its deepest secrets. Uncover hidden spells and tame the tough-looking genre in a jiffy.

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Creative woman

Five Ways To Outsmart Every Writer’s Silent Foe

When my creativity decides to take an unscheduled vacation, I dive into my past works. Reading the copies that once made me puff my chest in pride reminds me: “Hey, I did that, and I can do it again.” It’s like conversing with a more confident version of myself who says,

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To Use or Not to Use – ChatGPT for Writers

If you ask me, it’s emotions and experiences. While ChatGPT uses an incredible amount of data to bring you the content you need, a writer uses their heart and mind – something that no machine could ever replace.

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Crafting stories beyond linguistic boundaries

Words are great. But the absence of words is great too. I learnt the basics of Indian Sign Language (ISL) as an experiment. I wanted to understand how it all works. How does the grammar work? How are expressions conveyed? I learnt that sign language is a dance of expression.

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Five Ways To Outsmart Every Writer’s Silent Foe

But here’s the harsh truth: time is a luxury we can’t afford in our world, and deadlines don’t care about our creative hiccups. I am sure we all have our little hacks and copywriting tools that help us. Here’s a peek into mine.

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A smart working mom’s guide to having fun, remotely

Becoming a work-from-home mom, who would’ve thought? Certainly not me! It’s been only a year at Copylove, but when I look back at my journey, I can’t help but be amazed at how it has transformed me, my family, and my relationship with my daughter. To say the days have been all smiles and sunshine would be far from the truth…..

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Moving to a small town

Why I moved to a smaller town

In a smaller town, the rhythm is different. The pace is slower. So when I moved, I could feel closer to the work-life balance. Though the pursuit of success and hunger to do more stayed, much-needed attention to personal well-being took priority too. Work turned into an essential part of my life. Not my whole life.

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