8 Tips to Stay Productive When Working from Home

Working from home

I started working from home before it became cool. After working in two ad agencies across town, I derived that the commute was more tiring than the thinking and writing. 

Hence, I decided to quit my job and start freelancing instead. But back in 2013, it wasn’t the norm and most agencies and companies wanted you to sit in the office just so they could keep tabs on you. Luckily, I found a few kind-hearted people to work with, who appreciated my dedication, even from the confines of my home.

As a writer, I realised you can’t substantiate your work all the time, like IT engineers or teachers can probably do. I may have researched for 6 hours but if I wrote only 6 lines, it won’t be enough for a day’s work, right?

Plus, what about the ever-looming writer’s block, distractions, and low motivation in a home environment? WFH came with its set of challenges. However, over the years, I’ve (barely) managed to pull through and keep my enthusiasm high, word count low, and inspiration going!

Here are some tips that helped me:

  1. The Early Bird Catches the Worm

On most days, I start writing at 7.30 a.m. That’s way before anyone calls, pings, or emails me, taking away my chain of thought. By 10 a.m., I’ve accomplished a lot of my crucial tasks, without distractions.

  1. But First, Coffee

I’ve been a coffee addict ever since I was 18. It’s the fuel that drives my writing and my life. While working from home, I understood the value of coffee shops and how productive and energising it can be to work from a café nearby. It’s also a great opportunity to dress up and use all the work clothes we buy!

  1. Have a Break, Have a Kit-Kat

It’s true, regular breaks help refresh the mind and enhance the creative flow. And Kit-Kat helps too – it sweetens the deal! I often take short walks or read a chapter of a book. More often, I play with my kid to spark new ideas and imaginative scenarios.

  1. Pull Out all the Stops

Even though no one’s watching you work, self-discipline and the power of habits is a game changer for professionals who work from home. When you’re dedicated to doing your best, even if no one is overlooking your shoulders, nothing can stop you.

  1. Music to My Ears

On days when the weather is gloomy or my mind is, I like to listen to music – create different playlists on Spotify and make it a routine to play them as per your mood. It instantly powers up your brain and your fingers move as if they are playing the piano (keyboard!)

Music to your ears

  1. Hold the Phone 

While our writing is surely surprising enough, there’s another reason why we must keep our phones away. I’ve been using the Pomodoro technique and keep my phone out of sight for 25 minutes. I also don’t use any social media apps on my smartphone, so that I can truly focus on writing or thinking when I’m out.

  1. Eat the Frog

Procrastination is often my worst enemy while working from home. But I do try to complete the most gruesome tasks in the first half itself when my energies and ideas are at their peak. 

  1. Get Facetime

Just talking to your colleagues over the phone or interacting over email can be boring and subdued. I’ve recognised Google Meets without too much work talk is surprisingly motivating. It’s also a great icebreaker and helps us bond better.

In conclusion, my journey from a traditional office worker to a freelance writer working from home has been an evolution filled with its unique set of challenges. Over the years, I’ve discovered a few valuable strategies that have helped me stay productive and maintain my creative spark while operating in a home environment.

From embracing the early morning hours to savouring that first cup of coffee, taking regular breaks for a breath of fresh air, and summoning the discipline to maintain good work habits, these tactics have become my allies in the quest for productivity. Music has been my muse, igniting inspiration on even the gloomiest days. Additionally, I’ve learned the power of focusing, embracing the Pomodoro technique, and tackling the most challenging tasks head-on.

And in this world of remote work, technology has offered a lifeline that fosters camaraderie, making Google Meets more than just another virtual meeting – they’ve become energising moments of connection.

So, here’s to the joys of working from home and the pursuit of productivity in the comfort of our own spaces. May you find these tips as helpful as I have, as you embark on your journey of remote work, and happy working from home!

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