From bylines to brands: My journey of rediscovery

From being a journalist to take the freelance route.

Today, I invite you to embark on a journey. This tale is one of unexpected twists, life-changing decisions, and the joy of rediscovering a passion and the realisation of a destiny. This is my tale of homecoming to Copylove. 

A Childhood Dream and a Brave Decision

Let’s rewind the clock to the ’90s when most of my peers aspired to be doctors, engineers, or chartered accountants. My dreams, however, were unconventional. 

From the tender age of ten, I had one clear vision: seeing my name on the front page of a newspaper, or as they say in the journalism world, having a byline.

Fast forward to post-graduation in mass communication. While advertising classes were the most interesting, and I used to look forward to every copywriting and branding assignment, the decision was clear – I would pursue journalism.

Financial Journalism: Chasing Bears, Bulls, and Dreams

And so I arrived, a small-town girl, in Mumbai, the country’s financial capital, and found a reporter’s job in a leading financial daily. With a pinch of trepidation and heaps of determination, I ventured into this challenging field. 

The days were filled with deciphering the enigmatic world of corporate finance, and one skill I honed was research. In those days, the internet was a luxury limited to the editor’s desk. 

So, I dived into notes made by seniors, hunted down every piece of paper, and interviewed countless sources, even for a 300-word story. That’s the secret sauce behind developing a “nose for news,” as they say. My journalism days proved that, sometimes, even secrets can be taught.

Finding a new path. Building self-confidence

Life, as it often does, threw unexpected adventures my way. After serving as a journalist in prestigious media houses and contributing to founding a prominent financial daily, I decided to take the freelance route. I began crafting tailored content for various financial clients. What was my primary tool? Yep, research.

Choosing a new life route

Embracing Change and Copywriting

Life has a funny way of bringing back forgotten passions. Two decades into financial writing and a stint heading the branding department of a startup in affordable housing, an opportunity arose – copywriting. 

I owe this to one remarkable person – Gunjan Pai, my dearest friend, closest confidant, and the founder of Copylove, who welcomed me into her tribe with open arms. We had begun our journey together as students, have been roommates, have lived parallel lives, and collaborated on several projects till I joined the team full-time. 

A New Beginning in Copywriting

Now, in the fourth decade of my life, I’m pursuing my college-day passion for copywriting with newfound enthusiasm. Advertising might be new terrain, but my “nose for news” from my journalism days has again proved invaluable.

With each new client, I revisit my old research tricks. The internet, now a treasure trove of knowledge, is my ally. But it’s not my only weapon. Like a journalist, I ask each client questions to unravel their brand. The deeper I dig, the more intriguing, astonishing, and enlightening stories emerge, leading to clearer brand discovery.

The power of friendship and learning

Lady luck has smiled upon me once more. Besides, my trusted friend Gunjan is by my side, always ready to impart her knowledge of brands she has diligently cultivated over two decades. 

It’s like revisiting the technicalities I’d used in my writing but now with a structured perspective that enhances my understanding of brands and aids design thinking. 

Serendipity at its best

My favourite word in the English dictionary is serendipity and I can’t help but feel that serendipity has guided me to Copylove – a place I now call my second home. It’s given me a fresh lease on life and allowed me to embrace a passion I was once captivated by. 

So, here I am, in the world of copywriting, embracing it with humility and a heart full of gratitude for the twists and turns that brought me here. This is a second coming of sorts, one that I wholeheartedly relish and am trying to better myself at every day. 

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