Five Ways To Outsmart Every Writer’s Silent Foe

Creative woman

Talk to a copywriter or content creator about what the numero uno problem of copywriting is, and nine times out of ten, chances are that you will hear- the writer’s block – every writer’s nemesis and the unwelcome guest in the house of creativity. Who are we kidding? Name one writer who’s not had staring contests with the blinking cursor. It’s like playing a game of chess with your brain, where every move is a painstaking quest for that perfect word or phrase. 

But here’s the harsh truth: time is a luxury we can’t afford in our world, and deadlines don’t care about our creative hiccups. I am sure we all have our little hacks and copywriting tools that help us. Here’s a peek into mine. 

Say No To distractions

Distractions are like those little gremlins that feed on our focus. And the king of all distractions? Social media. It’s a siren song luring you to the rocks of baby videos and endless scrolling. So, when the block hits, I take the mini digital detox pill. I turn off notifications, log out of all apps, and sometimes, I even go old-school and write with pen and paper. The peace away from digital buzz or the laptop screen works wonders. 

A Stroll Down Memory Lane

When my creativity decides to take an unscheduled vacation, I dive into my past works. Reading the copies that once made me puff my chest in pride reminds me: “Hey, I did that, and I can do it again.” It’s like conversing with a more confident version of myself who says, “You’ve got this!” to me, it doesn’t feel like self-congratulating but reigniting the spark that those pieces had.

The Deep Dive-Once More

When the well of ideas seems dry, I put on my mental scuba gear and plunge back into the depths of research. Sometimes, all it takes is a fresh piece of information, a new perspective or just some brilliant work that I see to get the creative juices flowing again. It’s like being a detective on the trail of an elusive clue. The thrill of uncovering something new can be just the adrenaline shot creativity needs.

Phone a Friend 

When my brain feels like it’s been put through a blender, all I need is to reach out to the powerhouse of my colleagues. Sometimes, just talking about the block can clear the fog. Other times, their perspective, a fresh pair of eyes or ideas, gives me the nudge I need. It’s a bit like tag-teaming in wrestling – when you’re down and out, tag someone in to take over for a while. Plus, it’s a great excuse to catch up over a virtual cup of coffee and some gossip, maybe? (Psst! that helps, too). 

 Race Against Time (With Rewards)

When a deadline is threateningly close, there’s something about a ticking clock that gets my adrenaline pumping. Setting a timer for a writing sprint turns it into a game. It’s me against the clock, and the goal is to get anything down on paper. And the reward? Oh, the simple pleasures of life – like a steaming cup of tea or that piece of chocolate I’ve been eyeing. It’s my way of saying to myself, “Good job! Now, keep going.”

Beating writer’s block isn’t about some grand gestures; it’s about finding those small, practical strategies that work for you. It’s a mix of discipline, self-motivation, and a bit of fun. Whether stepping away from social media, revisiting past successes, diving back into research, seeking a fresh perspective, or racing against time with a treat at the finish line – these tactics have been my armour in the battle against the blank page. So, next time the dreaded block strikes, remember you have some ready arsenal. 

Now, go forth and write!

Know the Author

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